Tuesday, 24 November 2009

He who must not obeyed and other relationships

I was thinking about toy boys the other day and the number of celebrities who swear by them. No chance! Well, for a start, I am well past my sell by date, have little money, very little style or particularly spectacular looks or figure. Anyway, I think toy boys are over-rated! 'He who must be obeyed' is older than I by 9 years and there is a lot to be said for that. Firstly, he cannot run fast enough to catch younger women and secondly, he is short-sighted so doesn't notice my wrinkles.

We are both as honest as possible in our dealings with one another - sometimes he can be too honest. In my previous relationship I was much less honest and it fell apart ... Of course, my man complains that I am obviously not as compliant as I was with my husband and I tell him that I have learnt my lesson and he has to live with the consequences! One day we will get married, but I do need a divorce first and it costs! Besides, as I said to 'he who must not be obeyed' what makes him think I want to become one of his mad family; I have a crazy enough one of my own.

Other relationships - well, I have two sisters, both very loveable, if bossy. I envy them both for knowing what they wanted career-wise from young. Me - I still don't know what I want to do! Sometimes wonder why you are expected to know what you want to do once you have left school. By the time I am pensionable age, perhaps I will know!

I have lots of acquaintances and a few good friends. One in particular is a very tough lady and I have to fight to be on an equal level with her. She swears like a trooper and is straightforward in most of her dealings, but I have noticed some manipulative behaviour. She will say, 'would you do me a favour' which immediately makes me feel put on the spot. One day I will get up the courage to say that I would prefer she just say 'please could/would you ..'

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