Sunday, 11 April 2010

Anarchy/Government/Voting and the rest of it

I have never considered myself to be particularly interested in politics, but it is hard to escape the forthcoming election and decide how to vote or indeed whether to bother to vote at all.  It is hard to respect  MPs who have lied and cheated about their expenses, and I really wish we had been supplied with a list of those who didn't play fast and loose with them.

The mess that successive governments have made of the economy, the health service, the schools, housing etc. - the list goes on and on so that is difficult to make a case for having government at all.  Perhaps we should try anarchy which would make a change from our British apathy.  Maybe we need to have a revolution - there never has been a serious one in this country, but we came pretty close in the Poll Tax riots.  Pity serious marches and demonstrations are ignored - there have been marches against the Iraq war, but nothing has been done to curb it.

All very depressing and enough to send people running for cover - easier for the rich to decide to desert for another country or a handy tax haven.  Whoever said life was going to be fair?

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