Monday, 5 April 2010

Dismal Doris - Depression

Feeling very Dismal Doris at present. When I am up I can scarcely remember feeling down - when down feeling high seems a faraway event. This is the first time I have ever blogged when down in the depths - well, that is not quite true; I must be feeling a tiny bit better to even attempt it. I wouldn't mind losing the highs if the lows went as well.  I am on medication to ensure that I don't get too manic - the health professionals seem far more concerned about that - presumably because they think I might hurt myself as I can compromise my safety (my ability to gauge events/circumstances becomes erratic at times).  Unfortunately, while I have lost most of the mania, the  lows are the same as ever - occurring often and causing me a great deal of unhappiness.

In the course of my down phases, I have gone bankrupt, lost my job and now have to exist on very little money. However, that is to be expected and it is true that getting back to basics is no bad thing - as long as there is food on the table and there is a roof over my head, I am grateful for small mercies.

Meanwhile, I am giving some thought to what I want to do with my life - at my age, that is rather surprising I suppose.   However, we can all dream - castles in the air are fine, as long as you don't move into them.

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